Sunday, 28 October 2012


Hey its molly with my new post,i have finely reached level 3 on my account amymc12 ;) i will be staying on this account if the futcher and i will not give beggers a gived i don't because they arnt your friends so yeah and also i will give people greeting cards wen i am a vip for a year.I also whant to say that people say annonimas is real she isent because today i was on and then this peep called annonimas miss me msp! she started gobing off cling me a stlut stupid and allsorts so i gobed of at her saying i aint stupid and if you are reall whats my pass she dident know also woldent msp kidda block her off and i dont whant any mean coments also if you say stuff like annonimas is reall i whont anser ok and i am doing my diry updated tomorrow soz yours sinserly 

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Be carfull

Hey its melone and holly here we are gunna tell you BFs on msp are well mean i was a vip onece and there was this boy how i loved the look off and lucky for me he asked me to be his gf i said yeah like anyother girl would 1 year later.......i got dumped i mean i sherd all my feelings with him and he did with me i cried all day my twin and molly and maddy tryed to make me feel speshal and uneq but he broke my hart wich is may delacout i was crying and every thing i told him he just in salted me so NEVER EVER TRUST BOYS ON MSP unless you know them well


Hey peeps its maddy and molly here we wannted to say that many people like un-V.I.P's thik that us vips have millions of mony and some do like $nuggels shes a really caring person if you asked for a wishy shell give you one or say maby late ok now there is somthing you might wanna know when we are wips we don't wanna waist are vip mony on giving people gifts all ove a soddon because we have stoped people are calling us really nasty names and to be honset we don't kuje it and pls stop i have repored 15 people because they keep on doing it so STOP or i will do it!!! i might as well stop righting because i am at my bffls house so bye xxx

OPPs xx :D

Hey it is Hope,i woke up ages ago :D and i wanna say i look terubal so i whont take a pic this time :D LOL also i wanna say thnx to all vewers : D: D: D i have 105 wow i will do a diry later peeps we made new accounts called XoxLittleAngelXox and destiny is XoxLittleDevilXox  yay so add is and i love you bf you know how you are xxxx (on msp)

Friday, 26 October 2012


Hey i wanna say to every one out there that anonnimas aint reall she can't be !!!If  this group are reall then why pick a kids website!!!i mean like who thinks in that way nobody and if sthis group was reall wouldnt you think they would be blocked and not akoud on the website agen and all you guys how say you got haked trust us it isent anonimas ok so there is nothing to worry about xx

me and my old bessties

Me and some old bessties from primary lol i am the one in the green thing :D and also i am soo exited on my b day i am getting a year vip lol soooo happpy its only one month away.My twinne madds is most probly getting it for christmas lolxx love you twinne opps need to go get ready for the party :D i leave at half 4 to go my mates lol lol then for an hour and a half going dinner then party time xxx LOVE MSP

i love msp

Hey its hope,and i just wanna say msp is the best i love it if i dident know msp was like a website i think i would screem and all i would do is eat owww.So yeah and my comp is still on i will say it on my status.Oh am i might be making a new account thats why the one i have now is gunna go lol lol lol.

My besstie

Hey me and my twin wanned to show you guys what we look like.My name is Hope i am the one with blonde hair and my twin destiny is the other one we dont look like us on msp :D but we do love it and we would love it if you add us mine is Bunny boo10001 and hers is $sweet$123. pls add us we love to chat amd we love avery one :D lol !!!!in a frandly way


I had a awsome party on msp erler,also i would like to say that i hope everyone has a safe bomfire night and halloween night xxx.And i know this is wird but remamber if a door says no trik ot treters then DON'T because a fraind of mine did and they ended up stolen and never seen agen!!!!But still have a really good time on halloween.PS:close the doors and lock the windows halloween gosts are out LMAFO

Thursday, 25 October 2012


Hey people i am doing 2 contests :D.The first is,all people if you could send all your cool artys and make shure i know my account id Bunny boo10001 and the winner will get....a greeting card and a wishy.2.if you could make really cool looks and make sure i see.the 1st person will get the account its a level 3 wow!! and has 1.000sc and will get a wishy aslso the 2nd will just get a wishy :)

New mamber of the blog :D

Hey peeps i would like to thank destiny for becoming one of are team!!!I would also like to say that my besstie the one i was talking about if really happy that shes a vip and i am so happy my plan worked.However sadly annonimas has struk agen,she haked $sweets$123's account aka destinys.I would like to say be safe and never talk to annonimas.Oh and this is 2 ways she hakes ur account.1.when you log in shes the peep in the side of the screem.2.she trakes your computer.Well anoth worry and be happy this weekend is haloween and everyone have a really good time xx

Wednesday, 24 October 2012


Hi peeps and I whant to say 2 things,1st is we are going to try to give away a old vip account wich ok its fan out but the possitve side is that its a level 3!!! and looks awsome!!! and will have 1.000sc to star you off.2nd is we would love to say thnx all people how has seen this page their is 11 people how has botherd to click on are page its might not seem a lot to u but it is to us because we have had this page for 20mins!!!!! so thnx to all you plss coment and ask any questions :D


Halloween is coming :D and move star planet has changed there fashion and much more,the latest gossip besstie got HAKED by annonimas we have been afraid of this moment so dont tell but me her mum are making her a vip msp account because she has always wannnted it and its for a YEAR lucky her!!!!Also i can say I have brought my halloween outfit yesssssss happy halloween every one



Hello and welcome to my new Blog this is were I will tell you wats  going on and cool things about movie star planet as you may guess the pic is of me and my bessties i am the one with green shorts :D oh and best of all I will put comps on msp so you can win things :DDDDDD